Senin, 26 Agustus 2013

27 Agustus

Seperti rusa yang terpapar lampu mobil secara tiba-tiba,

di tengah jalanan yang panjang dan sepi..

Seperti itulah aku setiap tanggal 26 Agustus.

Tercekat, terperangah tak pernah mengira

Waktu akan selalu menyergapku secepat itu

Seperti hampir tertabrak

Dan semua kernyit gesekan roda pada jalan

Menghentikanku seperti saat ini

Jumat, 16 Agustus 2013

We’re All in the Same Boat

-a very short story-
Two blue boats with yellow stripes,
Five ethnic ornament boats,
A yellow boat with a red-party flag,
One green boat :
are dancing boats on the waves..

Kamis, 15 Agustus 2013

In His Eyes, in Their Eyes

-a very short story-

He’s standing in the corner of the wagon train,
Holding a cheap mp3 player,
.. maybe listening some of his favourite music :
Kangen Band, Armada Band, or Cakra Khan.

Rabu, 14 Agustus 2013

My GIrl

-a very short story-

My school life was :
sucks, obsolete, and robotic.

I never knew what it’s skip the class,
cheat on the exams,
or “walking away” with the girls after school.

The True Protester

-a very short story-

April 30th,

The sky are getting darker
There’s no stars on the sky
There’s only factory’s smoke
Reach the workers’s lung..

Selasa, 13 Agustus 2013

A (Hometown) Lullaby (?)

-a very short story-

He’s lying on the floor
and he still wears his red-white uniform.

He’s smiling, remembering the standing ovation from his teacher and
the big applauses from his friends at the class..

Sabtu, 10 Agustus 2013

A Story about A Glass of Coffee!

-a very short story-

I don’t need to run so far away..
I just need to stand here,
Stand with my pride,
For the very first time :
In front of him.

Jumat, 09 Agustus 2013

Yes, This is (not) a Love Story!

-a very short story-

Busy moron morning. There are working people everywhere in this sick station. People get rushed, run to catch their train while the train comes so late, get a trouble, etc. What an ineptitude, what a moron people. Me? including.

Kamis, 08 Agustus 2013

The Words Traveler

-a very short story-

Someone come out from his book.
Someone with havey beard and senility.
He talks with that person from the book, seriously.

Rabu, 07 Agustus 2013

Letter from the Sad Keyboard

-a very short story-

“How is the letter A looks like? Is it like a lamp? Glowing and shining? Where is the home for the B? Or C? Or D?”
She still find the letter on her black keyboard.

Selasa, 06 Agustus 2013

A Girl Staring at the White Wall

-a very short story-

A garden with conspicuous flowers,
She is always want it.
That night, she is staring at the white wall, the one in her room which pervasive her own conceits. She remember his laugh that evening. She can smell his sweat after that fight. She wondering where he is now. She is crying.
In her obscuring minds, his silhouette is incessant. His head, his neck, his arms. She wants him back.

Senin, 05 Agustus 2013

My Random Thought about Philosophy

What do you think about philosophy? Complicated? None your bussiness? Or what? Let me tell you about my random thought about philosophy.
Someday, I can’t sleep because I’m thinking about everything that comes randomly into my mind. I can’t understand why everything comes to my mind and ask me to think about, deeper, deeper, deeper. Where they come from? Why they come into my mind? How exactly they can come into my mind? And what exactly they are?
Sometimes, I’m tired and then I imagine about the mind without everything. Just empty mind. How will I feel? Without remembering anything, without think about something. I think it will be fun. But, can’t I?
That random questions maybe can called as part of philosophy because when I think about something deeper than I used to be, I called them philosophy. In my opinion, in philosophy, you can’t stop thinking about something. You will always ask, ask and always ask and ask until  you tired and suffered, but you never get the answer.
For example, you maybe can think about...
Why the kids can easily forgive their friends after a fight? Or why the time run so fast and never take a rest? etc.
When you think about something deeper than usual, or used to be, then you are a philosopher. So, I think, everybody, everyone of us is a philosopher. Why? Because I think everybody must be ever thinking about something, in a deeper way.
Then, what’s the difference between the ‘everybody’ philosopher and the ‘famous’ a.k.a ‘official’ philosopher (like Plato, Aristotle, Lucretius, etc)? Hmm.. I think the difference are located in two things. First, the ‘famous’ a.k.a ‘official’ philosopher wrote their thinking and their inventions after thinking into an article, or journal, etc, while the ‘everybody’ philosopher just thinking and forget, thinking and forget.
Finally, what i wanna say in this random thought are...
Everybody, everyone of us is philosopher! So, don’t be doubt to think about everything in a deeper way J
*to be continue*

(Fildzah Izzati)

Komunisme: Perspektif Alain Badiou

Apa yang pertama kali dibayangkan ketika mendengar kata komunisme? Kebanyakan dari kita akan langsung merujuk pada peristiwa kelam sejarah Indonesia pada tahun 1965. Akan terbayang bagaimana orang-orang yang anti Tuhan tersebut menculik jendral-jendral yang akan mengkudeta Sukarno, membawa mereka ke Lubang Buaya, dan mulailah ritual penyembelihan itu: tubuh tak bernyawa para jendral dikuliti, bola mata dicongkel hingga keluar, hingga pemotongan kelamin si mayat. Dan semua ini dibarengi dengan tari dan tawa setan para Gerwani sambil menyanyikan lagu Gendjer-Gendjer. Itu Indonesia, bagaimana dengan lingkup yang lebih luas? Tak jauh berbeda. Komunisme selalu diidentikkan dengan rezim Stalin, Polpot, pelanggaran HAM, hingga pembantaian manusia. Pertanyaannya: apakah memang komunisme ada di dalam dirinya sendiri suatu ajaran yang melegalkan praktek-praktek sebagaimana contoh di atas?