Senin, 26 Agustus 2013

27 Agustus

Seperti rusa yang terpapar lampu mobil secara tiba-tiba,

di tengah jalanan yang panjang dan sepi..

Seperti itulah aku setiap tanggal 26 Agustus.

Tercekat, terperangah tak pernah mengira

Waktu akan selalu menyergapku secepat itu

Seperti hampir tertabrak

Dan semua kernyit gesekan roda pada jalan

Menghentikanku seperti saat ini

Jumat, 16 Agustus 2013

We’re All in the Same Boat

-a very short story-
Two blue boats with yellow stripes,
Five ethnic ornament boats,
A yellow boat with a red-party flag,
One green boat :
are dancing boats on the waves..

Kamis, 15 Agustus 2013

In His Eyes, in Their Eyes

-a very short story-

He’s standing in the corner of the wagon train,
Holding a cheap mp3 player,
.. maybe listening some of his favourite music :
Kangen Band, Armada Band, or Cakra Khan.

Rabu, 14 Agustus 2013

My GIrl

-a very short story-

My school life was :
sucks, obsolete, and robotic.

I never knew what it’s skip the class,
cheat on the exams,
or “walking away” with the girls after school.

The True Protester

-a very short story-

April 30th,

The sky are getting darker
There’s no stars on the sky
There’s only factory’s smoke
Reach the workers’s lung..