Kamis, 08 Agustus 2013

The Words Traveler

-a very short story-

Someone come out from his book.
Someone with havey beard and senility.
He talks with that person from the book, seriously.

His musician friend is playing the electric guitar next to him.
The room is filling by the cigar smoke with the coffee spills everywhere.
What an indestructible youth, never have an encounter with the ‘never ever stopping’.
He is not everybody. He looks like a pretentious porch and he is so handsome with his mustache above his mouth.
On that beautiful Sunday,
He travels with those luminous words,
to meet the forgotten people’s hero,
Wiji Thukul.
Wiji Thukul read his poetry “Teka-Teki yang Ganjil” for him.
He feels ablazed.
In that imaginarydiscuss space,
They discuss about why the hard-working people’s kitchen were never built,
Why the hard-working people only can afford a soap and a toothpaste,
Why their hard-work only remains them a debt.
He loves the journey.
He comes back and make another journey
to meet the prisoners from Sandinista, Italia.
He meets Gramsci.
On they imaginary conversation,
He agree with Gramsci,
that the bourgeois class :
have been poisoning the subaltern class through those electric box called television.

.. and he love saying : “don’t watch tell lie vision”,
after his big conversation.
He is smiling now.
He feels so relieved that he has travels across the time and place that day.
What a pathetic mosquito.
This is time to make some cleaning activity in his room.
He lights the cigar and starts sweep the floor.

His musician friend still playing his electric guitar and found a new lyrics to write.
Now he packing again
And plans the next journey.

(Fildzah Izzati)

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